Magical Herbs: Vervain
Let me introduce you to the world of herb magic, this time I'll be talking about Vervain (also known as verbena, holy herb, Juno’s tears, pigeonwood and herb of grace).
H. Zell, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Use vervain to manifest love, consecration, blessings, beginnings, defensive magic, protection, peace, money purification, messages, youth sleep, banishing and healing. Verbena is known for its use as a tea/tonic for the kidneys and liver. It aids in digestion, calms the nerves, helps reduce coughing, can lower a fever and helps combat insomnia!
You can use vervain in all your celebrations when it comes to all the eight sabbats!
Want to ensure a magical year ahead? Toss a sprig of vervain onto the Litha bonfire! Wear an amulet filled with it to encourage inspiration and skill. Use a bundle of vervain to sprinkle blessed water when casting a circle. You can also use the sprig of vervain to ritually sweep your altar to purify and bless it.
We also stock vervain here at Three Morrigna, so go check it out in our magical herbs section!
)0( - Ash