The importance of decolonisation

Decolonisation is important in witchcraft because modern witchcraft has a complex history that has been shaped by colonisation, imperialism, and cultural oppression. Many of the modern practices of witchcraft are derived from European traditions, which were spread throughout the world through colonialism and cultural domination.

The process of decolonisation in witchcraft involves acknowledging and confronting the ways in which colonisation and cultural oppression have influenced the practice and perception of witchcraft. This includes challenging Eurocentric perspectives that have dominated the discourse around witchcraft, recognizing and respecting the diversity of practices that exist within witchcraft, and decolonizing the language and symbolism used in witchcraft.

By decolonizing witchcraft, practitioners can create a more inclusive and equitable practice that recognizes and celebrates the diversity of cultures and traditions that have contributed to its development. It also allows for a more authentic exploration and understanding of the practice, free from the biases and prejudices that have been imposed on it by colonialism and cultural domination.

Ysadora Alexander