Moroccan Quartz Geodes

Moroccan Quartz Geodes


We have these gorgeous clear quartz geodes from Morocco! They come as a whole geode with two haves, and measure approximately 6 x 4cm.

Clear quartz is one of the best go to crystals for almost any healing purpose. It is pluripotential, meaning it can be programmed to do almost any task, as well boosting the powers of other crystals. It is a stone of the mind, and promotes connection to universal energy. Clear quartz also helps with finding clarity, and is one of the oldest seer stones used.

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Rose Quartz Palm Stone

Rose Quartz Palm Stone

3 tangerine quartz clusters Tangerine quartz cluster A: Smaller piece with many, smaller points, and a darker orange colour

Tangerine Quartz Clusters

from A$18.00
A hand holding 3 informational cards, each with a piece of aqua aura quartz asttached

Aqua Aura Quartz Piece

A hand holding 3 informational cards, each with a piece of angel aura quartz attached

Angel Aura Quartz Piece

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Black Tourmaline Schorl with Quartz
