Rose Quartz Mini-Spheres

Rose Quartz Mini-Spheres


These are carved from gorgeous Madagascan rose quartz, and many have asterism. They measure approximately 1-1.5cm.

Rose quartz is a crystal of love, gentleness and emotional healing. Importantly, rose quartz works to boost self respect and love, making sure that you respect yourself enough first before making love choices. It may also strengthen an existing love bond.

Rose quartz also helps to link one with The Divine and its soothing vibrations are said to calm and cleanse the entire auric field.

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Rose Quartz Palm Stone

Rose Quartz Palm Stone

An assortment of tiny mushrooms, carved from various crystals A hand holding an assortment of tiny mushrooms, carved from various crystals

Tiny Crystal Mushrooms (Assorted)

A card labelled "Crystal Trinities: Sexual Assault" with details in smaller text, next to a white bag with 3 tumbled stones sitting on top of it (mangano calcite, rose quartz, and orange calcite) A close-up of the 3 tumbled stones (mangano calcite, rose quartz, and orange calcite)

Crystal Trinities: Sexual Assault

A card labelled "Crystal Trinities: Addiction" with details in smaller text, next to a white organza bag with 3 tumbled stones sitting on top of it (amethyst, rose quartz and lepidolite) A close-up of the 3 tumbled stones (amethyst, rose quartz and lepidolite)

Crystal Trinities: Addiction
