Witchcraft 101: The Power of Three

Not just a concept of popular culture (The Craft, Charmed) the power of the number 3 is a recurring theme in witchcraft.

Firstly many of the goddesses revered by witches occur as a triple goddess, three separate deities that may come together as one and so on. Often boons of the goddess come in threes, or three tasks are required to gain their favour.

The concept of karma in witchcraft is also considered threefold. Whatever you put out in the world comes back with three times the strength. So many witches try to heal and do as good as they can in order to reap that level of reward. Although, if this is the ONLY reason you are doing good, your skills and luck will fail you. Sincerity is a must with these things!

The rule of three is also super helpful when working a new spell also! You will notice that the simple knot spell we covered there was three knots, and you can also use three elements to a spell, or three ingredients.