Utilising a Pendulum

I was asked recently about the nature of pendulums, and whether their readings are spiritual in origin or more physical, the ideomotor theory. This idea is that they are just based on the bodies own movements, in response to our subconscious creating the reaction we wish to see. The spiritual part also had two components, whether the pendulum was guided by a spirit or by the psychic skills of the user.

A light-skinned person holding a pendulum

As you can see this was a highly complex question, with more to follow! I will paraphrase my response, for the sake of clarity.

A pendulum, much in the way we use oracle cards and divining rods, are simply a tool used to clearly  utilise and magnify our own innate abilities. The response comes from our intuition and connection to the metaphysical worlds, while the tool we use clearly delineates the reading. Some may utilise spirit guides, however the standard use of a pendulum is not connected to contacting the dead, or other entities. This makes a pendulum relatively safe to use.

In response to the ideomotor theory, it is a little harder to refute. One may say that it is not true, as how is it that you can still get responses you deem negative, or do not wish for? One may then also argue that these negative responses come from a subconscious knowledge of the truth, even if the conscious mind denies it. Regardless of this, many still use pendulums effectively.

The follow up question was about asking questions with unknown answers, but getting a "wrong" response from the pendulum. This one was fairly quick to deal with, as it was clear that the asker simply didn't like the answer given by the pendulum, and not enough time had elapsed to see if it was truly wrong.

A pendulum may also give a not sure/ non-committal response. This may mean that there must be a choice made in order to influence the event one is asking about, or that what one is asking is more complicated. There may be several factors influencing the response, you may not have all the core information to ask a clear enough question. As you utilise a pendulum more and more, you will begin to see the nuances in the movement of the pendulum that may give extra hints.

Here are some of the pendulums we currently have in stock…