Womb Cleansing

One of the most interesting concepts I have come across recently is the discussion of energy exchange during sex.  For women, this specifically means that there is an energy imprint left upon us by each sexual partner we encounter. This imprint may not always be positive either, especially if the sexual contact is non consensual or an act borne out of self destruction.  

While there is a mental imprint of the lover, there is also that residual energetic imprint, which may need to be cleansed. Womb worship serves to heal the womb itself and remove these residual energies.

It all begins with acknowledgement. Acknowledgement of your sexual history, of those sexual encounters which were positive and those which were not.  This is a great time to give the womb area a good, gentle massage.  Carnelian or rhodonite palmstones may be of aid when doing this massage. Remember though, this is not a sexual massage, but a massage to reaffirm you love of your womb and feminine body as a whole.  It is an acceptance of the past and a wish to heal. 

Cupping the womb with both hands, visualise infusing the left hand side with clean energy and warmth, while drawing the accumulated negative energy out with your right.  Feel that you are casting it off, shedding this past.  Continue as long as you wish, as long as you are comfortable to do so. Reaffirm that you love this sacred organ of femininity.  

You can still fulfil these acts post hysterectomy also, honouring the organ that was, and accepting that its removal does not make one less feminine. You can also still cleanse the area as above, the energies of sexual encounters do not care if there is an organ there or not!