Crystal Bowls

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One of the latest things to come into fashion in crystals and essential oils is the use of crystal bowls.

They are carved from a wide range of stones, pictured are just some of what we have available. For essential oil users, these bowls are often used to make their daily blend of oils to "dress" with. This is why they are often called dressing bowls. Being so small, they are great to use to make small batches of oil, and people will often match the crystal to the oil blend. The oils are then thought to take on the characteristics of the crystal.

For crystal healers, the bowls are often used to make elixirs, water that is imbued with the power of the crystal it is in contact with.

Whichever way you use them, take care to make sure you are using them safely. Crystals can break down in both oils and water, and some have poisonous compounds within them. A good guideline is to research the Mohs scale value of each crystal, to assess their hardness. A Mohs scale score of 7 or above is usually hard enough to not break down in water. Also take note of the crystal itself. Ones such as tiger eye contain asbestoid fibres, so are less safe, and many of the ones such as chrysocolla have an excess of copper. Then there are crystals such as blue howlite which are dyed with an artificial dye.

Always remember to be careful with your crystals!