Broke Vegan Cooking: Steel Cut Oats

Hello fellow broke vegans! 

Today I thought I would take a look at the new (old!) darling of the health food craze, steel cut oats. They are less processed than the normal oats we use for porridge, meaning that they have more fibre and provide more of a challenge for our body to process. To me, they also have a much better texture.  Plus, the local wholefoods store sells them for $5 per kilo, which makes MANY breakfasts.

They do however, provide a challenge in cooking. Microwaving them results in awfulness, and stove cooking is tricky... unless...  

The Broke Vegan Steel Cut Oats Recipe

You will need: 

1 heaped tablespoon of Nuttelex butter alternative (prefer the "buttery" one, more flavour!)

1 cup steel cut oats

3 cups soy or other milk alternative  

3 teaspoons brown sugar (or to taste!) 

1 pinch of salt

Toppings as needed

Melt butter alternative in a medium sized pan. Add the oats and stir until they are coated in butter and VERY gently toasted. 

 Add the milk, sugar and salt stirring vigorously. Some people prefer to bring the pan to the boil now, but I like to keep it slower, at a lower temperature from the start, to prevent it catching on the bottom. The cooking process takes about 20 minutes, and you do need to stir regularly. The oats tend to go from wet to creamy and cooked pretty fast, so keep an eye on it. 

There you have it! This serves two people approximately, and top it however you like. I love some extra milk and cinnamon.  




Gratuitous practical picture of a steaming bowl of oats, not Instagram worthy! Ain't got time for that. This fills me up for hours!!