Magical Herbs: Yarrow
Let me introduce you to the world of herb magic. In this post I'll be talking about Yarrow. Yarrow is also called bloodwort, death flower, devils nettle, lady’s mantle, soldiers woundwort, thousand leaf, carpenters weed and arrow root.
T. Kebert, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Yarrow is called the sacred plant as it was found buried in ancient graves. Yarrow is used magically for banishing, protection, love, divination, release and healing. Carry an amulet filled with dried yarrow to banish any fear you feel. Would you like to try and induce prophetic dreams? Stuff a dream pillow full of yarrow help you achieve this! Want an easy way to expand your psychic awareness? Add some yarrow to your bath water! You can also use yarrow in your smoke cleansings to banish negative energy that fill the home and replaces it with happiness, ease and love.
Yarrow is associated with: the sun, midsummer, Cancer, Aries, Leo and Capricorn.
Deities most associated with Yarrow are: Achilles, Aphrodite, The Horned God and Hermes.
We also grow our herbs here in the Three Morrigna headquarters so you know it's coming from a magical background! Go check them out in our magical herbs section!
)0( - Ash