
A lot of spiritual people or places talk about manifesting, usually pretty cryptically, as some way to get what you want. They even boxed it up in a socially acceptable manner and wrote a book about it, hinting at it being "the secret" to life, without a mention of witchcraft.

So, what is manifesting? Manifesting, when boiled down to its core, is expressing what you specifically need, and willing it to happen. It is telling the universe, your personal deity or even yourself what you wish to come into fruition. In this way it closely resembles prayers.

One may wish to manifest directly, by simply focusing on that which you need, envision every detail around it and see yourself achieving it. This can be quite a nice meditational process, and you may wish to supplement it with pictures or text.

Alternatively you can get a little creative by making up a full mood board, with images and writing, or anything symbolic of that you wish to achieve.

What you manifest may be simple, such as a little more free time, or a slightly quieter family, or it could be more complex, such as a holiday, a new house or career or even love. The idea is that you focus down upon the goal, and ask the universe to support this journey.

Don't get too carried away though. The universe is unlikely to grant anything too selfish, nor will it grant anything that harms others. Manifest within the rules of karma.

One of the important parts is envisioning the end result, see your family happy in a new home or you graduating from a field of study. You can even manifest for other people, envisioning it coming true for them rather than yourself.

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