Witchcraft 101: Psychic Children

Children with psychic abilities seem to be appearing in far greater numbers in the last 20 years. There are many different reasons why this may be, evolution, coming at a time of need or even coming at the end times, however what is certain is that these amazing beings have amazing skills and amazing needs.

Many children have abilities to some degree, and seem to be able to ignore them when told that the things they see and hear are simply part of their imagination. Some people even insist that all children are born with psychic abilities until told by adults that the phenomena they are experiencing does not exist. Many children have imaginary friends that bear the names of once living people, or insist that dead relatives are still visiting them. Some suffer from extreme night terrors involving violent deaths, the dead or even something more demonic in nature.

Children with abilities tend to act as little beacons to anything metaphysical in the area, often disturbing their sleep. There are a few ways to help with this. Protective crystals such as black kyanite or tourmaline can be placed above, beneath or around the bed to act as an energetic barrier. Make sure you include your child in the process of setting the crystals in place, so they become empowered in their own protection. Regularly cleanse the room with sage, palo santo or even frankincense to clear out negative energies and entities. This is another activity that you may wish to include your child in. You can also repeat a mantra while you do so "I cleanse this area to protect my child, let only those with good intentions enter".

Empower your child to control their abilities, before sleeping they can verbally ask anyone around to not talk to them while sleeping as they need to rest. This puts some positivity out there. Items such as worry dolls are also a good help as they encourage children to release and verbalise pent up worries and anxieties. By keeping a more positive mindset and having a healthy emotional outlet, this will also help to keep a child safe from the unseen.

As I too was a psychic child, I do spend some time mentoring other psychic children, as well as teaching children's crystal and healing classes. They are designed to help a child use their abilities in a safe and protected manner.