Fakebusters: Melt Quartz

Hello Fakebusters, time to take on something new. This is a tricky beast, as certain auction sites are flooded with this melt, or smelting quartz. This beastie is most definitely artificial, and while you can melt down quartz to create this, there's a word for it- glass. 



This one is fairly subtle, although you can see perfectly round bubbles of air preserved in the point. This means it has been melted, and does not happen in nature. 



This one kinda mimics strawberry quartz, but not very well. The diffuse flakes are a bit of a give away. 



This is the classic "smelting quartz" appearance, lots of ethereal blue and yellow tones. It's not subtle. 



This is a real doozy, as they have intentionally added an "inclusion" into it, that looks a fair bit like the natural hematite inclusions in quartz. If they manifested on a snow covered base. 



This is what the good stuff looks like! Lots of variation, snowy bits and even a rainbow.